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Crystal Rudiments Blog

Mega Space War!

Nov. 29, 2019

We just completed a new game, Mega Space War. This game has dynamic rules and is really fun to play. It's very small (only 36 cards) and easy to play so it can be a nice one to bring on trips.

The rules and goals of the game are dynamic (they can change throughout the game) so it can be hard to have any kind of strategy, but the main goal is just to have fun! Due to its small size it also has a small price. We hope you like it.

--Adam & Liam Davis

Battle of the Dragons Done!

Mar. 5, 2019

After much development, "Battle of the Dragons" is finally done! This game was a lot of fun developing. We made some final adjustments after trying out the game, like the number of dragons should match the number players for example. At the end of the game, you need to add up the points to see who wins.

We also included a bonus game (Dark Dirty Dungeon) that is a card game you play by reading a different set of text on the Trap and Treasure cards. Check it out on the game crafter website. Thanks for reading!

--Adam & Liam Davis

How Crystal Rudiments Was Founded

Dec. 23, 2018

So my son made a game one day with me called Magic pyramid. Before that I had made a game called Bunny Hop. So then I remembered a name that I came up with when I was a kid that I thought sounded cool, "Crystal Rudiments." So I decided to use that name for this website. That is how it came to be known as "Crystal Rudiments Games".

Then one day, I made a game with my son, Liam, called "Mission to Mars." Together we play tested it and came up with the rules. It represents a near term future of Mars exploration.

Later, I came up the game "Asteroid Miner" because there was a competition to build a game without any printed parts (except for the box and instructions). Meanwhile, Liam came up with "Fair and Beyond" and "Battle of the Dragons." We play tested those a few times and came up with rules, but they are still under construction right now. Hopefully I will finish those soon.

Thanks for reading! We look forward to posting more updates! :)

--Adam & Liam Davis