Bunny Hop

Do you have kids? Do you also want them to be prepared for the future where computers rule everything? You should get "Bunny Hop"! This game is designed for kids ages 3 and up and is designed to engage young minds.
In this game, kids choose the direction a bunny "hops" by laying down "Arrow" cards. The adult "executes" the directions of the child. The goal of the game is get "the treasure" represented by glass beads. As the game progresses keys can be used to open doors and rocks can be pushed around. The adult designs the difficulty of the game.
When your child is ready, you can introduce the concept of "bunny functions", which are a series of commands that can be executed multiple times. You use large function cards to define the function and small function cards to call them. There are also "loops" that can be unlocked over time.
"I designed this game because I have a son and I want to engage his young mind while teaching important concepts that form the basis of programming and the 'digital world' in general. I've play-tested this with my son many times and he loves it!" --Adam